Infinity 2.0.64 Patch Notes – 30 July 2024

Bug fixes following the recent release of Infinity 2.0.0.

  • Animation Changes

    • Two animations were slowed down: KD to standing and kneeling to standing


  • Staff Updates

    • Visibility
      • Staff characters will no longer receive visibility
      • Bounties cannot be placed on staff characters
      • Staff characters will not show up on BH mission terms
    • Admin characters can remove player vendors and pay vendor maintenance


  • Structure Permissions

    • Players can now remove themselves as admin of a structure as long as they are not the owner
    • Players can be added / removed from entry list, vendor list, and hopper list regardless of admin status
    • Staff characters can now be removed from structure admin lists, but they will still have access to the structure as staff


  • Screenplays

    • Corrected method for getInRangePlayers to include players inside structure


  • Miscellaneous

    • Combat XP from grenades will not recieve 4x weapons XP bonus