Infinity 2.0.19 Patch Notes – 2 February 2024

Bug fixes following the recent release of Infinity 2.0.0.


  • Cries of Alderaan Quest

    • Alderaan Flora and Caravan Disk loot items should now be available


    • Pets

      • Fixed issue where XP was being awarded when player did no damage and pet killed mob
      • Fixed invalid weapon issue with AT-ST and Rebel Droideka


    • Player Cities

      • /cityBan and /cityPardon commands now have improved messages showing the city name which has banned/pardoned a player


    • New Player Services Terminal

      • Unlearn all skills will remove all skills including Force Progression
        • Force Sensitive Skills will not be removed


    • Droid Engineer

      • The color of droid heads on R-series droids can be customized during crafting and with droid customization kit


    • Force Sensitive NPCs

      • Corrected errors in how these NPCs handled ranged attacks


    • Battle Droids

      • Corrected configuration of weapons and attacks
        • Affected places include Geonosian Lab, Corellian Corvette, Death Watch Bunker and any place droidekas are used


    • Miscellaneous

      • Bartenders can now give drink menus
      • Fixed creature templates that were setup with incorrect weapon templates and attacks


    • Beta Launcher

      • Settings
        • Setting option now brings up camera and FPS settings
        • Fixed a bug for certain builds not saving camera and FPS settings
      • Anti Cheat
        • Added 6.0 & 5.X Reshade official builds to approved list