Infinity 2.0.71 Patch Notes – 23 December 2024
Bug fixes following the recent release of Infinity 2.0.0.
- Kashyyyk is open to all
- There will be bugs….and Wicked will crush them
- It is a really complicated pile of code that contains a lot of secrets that Wicked has chosen not to leak to anyone.
- Wicked highly recommends taking notes when you see things.
- Everything you see is important.
- There will be bugs….and Wicked will crush them
- Etyyy
- Varactyl Quest Extension – fly to Kachirho from the Rori Compound and figure it out
- Big Game Hunter – line 2 for theis quest exists. Kill stuff on Etyyy and you will figure it out.
- When Wicked says to kill stuff he doesn’t mean the whimpy stuff
- Etyyy does have resources but handjamming only, that will never change, no building there
- There is more to Etyyy than it might seem. It runs on a special 30 day clock.
- Seek out Zelraya Venn she will tell you what’s going on
- Don’t bother asking Wicked he won’t tell you
- Seek out Zelraya Venn she will tell you what’s going on
- Kashyyyk Travel
- General Population
- Next to the Theed Capital where the varactyl quest begins is a transport that takes you to the center of Kashyyyk
- Rebels
- You can take a shuttle from the Rori Rebel Base.
- This will take you to an unpopulated base but there is a return travel NPC there
- You can take a shuttle from the Rori Rebel Base.
- Imperials
- You can take a shuttle from the Imperial Base on Talus.
- This will take you to an unpopulated Imperial base with return travel NPC there
- You can take a shuttle from the Imperial Base on Talus.
- Varactyl Questers
- There is a shuttle in the Rori Compound
- This takes you to the quest extension on Kachirho
- There is a shuttle in the Rori Compound
- Big Game Hunters and Varactyl Questers
- There is a shuttle near Bossk’s Mos Espa guildhall, just outside the city wall
- This takes you to Etyyy
- There is a shuttle near Bossk’s Mos Espa guildhall, just outside the city wall
- Mandalorians and Master Smugglers
- Mos Pelgo has a shuttle via the slave ship that will take you to Kachirho
- At this time the ETA-1 does not fly to Kashyyyk
- Travel to Kashyyyk is expensive and there are no plans to reduce it.
- General Population
- Dead Forest
- Dead Forest is now closed until further development takes place
- Kashyyyk is open to all
Mandalorian and Bounty Hunters
- Defender missions have been fixed
- Bounty Hunter missions should work on Kashyyyk and Etyyy
- GCW PVP Bases
- The donation cooldown for turrets and minefields has been increased to 120 seconds
- Jedi
- Force Knockdown 3 has been corrected so that it now does damage and triggers Cloak of Pain
- Badges
- New Exploration badges are no longer hideen and are now visible in the character sheet
- Cleaned up new badge coordinates
- Bestine Election
- possible fix for this quest has been added
- MGMT has new commands to assist with issues with this quest
- New Tre file
- updated to fix errors with new Etyyy weapons
- World Boss fixed
- there was an error on server restart which has been fixed
- Krayt King
- Krayt King spawn area will no longer have regular planet spawns
- GCW PVP Bases